[CF-Devel] Ships

Mark Wedel mwedel at scruz.net
Tue Mar 6 00:54:49 CST 2001

Peter Mardahl wrote:

      No doubt you'll be able to come up with some way to do it,
      but do you really think it'll be much fun to watch the ship
      "sail" while you sit on your hands waiting?
      The "teleportation" effect of the present crossfire implementation
      is perhaps unrealistic, but it is quick and painless and not boring.
 I agree with the above.  While having it show you the path, if you don't have
much choice to set there and watch, it really isn't very interesting.

 I've even found some maps with limited player movers annoying.  Some maps may
use them for the right purpose (keep you out of some area), but if they use you
for a guided tour, it isn't very interesting.

 When doing such changes, it is always better to provide a reasonable amount of
details to the list.  The developer list isn't meant to be 'I've done 40 hours
of work - here's this new cool feature - what do you think'.  It works much
better that if before starting on that 40 hours (or whatever) amount of work,
you briefly sketch what you plan to do.  Because as said, the worst case of not
letting anyone know what you are doing until it is already done is that your
change is not accepted so that work is lost, and best case is that it is taken
as you do it and it gets integrated.

 In most all cases, if discussion is done beforehand, it will not be rejected
(to be honest, I can not really think of any cases where something was still not
integrated after having been discussed).  

      Others in the past have complained that some maps are "too far away"
      even with the current instantaneous exits....
 I haven't heard this much, and I would think should be even less so now that
you re-appear at your last savebed at death.  All the criticism I've heard is
that the things are too close (ie, you can wander across the entire continent in
less than 1 minute real time).

 The only time where time to map hop can be annoying is when players want to
check all the shops for some items.  With the removal of stat potions from the
shop, I'm not sure how much this is still the case, but I know that even now, I
periodically go to all the magic shops looking for a specific spellbook or ring
or the like.


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