[CF-Devel] New Developer

Sebastien Bracquemont dweeves at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 8 17:26:27 CST 2001


I'm Sebastien Bracquemont , i'm french.

I had a project for doing a Generic ,Web technology Based ,Rogue Like with 
pluggable data representation. (2D,Isometric , "Dungeon Master" pseudo 3D)

I was contacted by Michael Toennies to do some graphics but my real skills 
are in the Software Engeneering Domain.(even if i can indeed do some 

So, i proposed Michael to help you on CF ,by doing a Java Based Client.

By now, the main need is to do a efficient and complete Map Editor.

I Accept the challenge to do it in Java.

I've got several interesting propositions for both the Server,The Client and 
the Protocol.

I think one of the biggest lack on this project is a really well done 
architecture description document (with a lot of figures explaining the role 
of each logical component (maps, tiles, server ,client , data flows))

I think it will help everybody to have it (me first).

By then , i think i can help you concerning modelization issues.

For the Editor, i did download the CF Java editor and the client.

I'll work as often as i can on this very good project.

See ya Soon.


PS:My pseudo is dweeves, (one of my SpaceMaster RPG character). So you can 
call me dweeves as well.

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