[Re: [CF-Devel] Future of Crossfire]

gros yann.chachkoff at mailandnews.com
Tue May 22 07:25:54 CDT 2001

Le Lundi 21 Mai 2001 19:25, vous avez écrit :
      On Mon, 21 May 2001, DAVID DELBECQ wrote:
      > ------------------------------------>
      > You say you don't want iso because you don't have time to create iso
      I fear that would look really crap dude. Firstly any general scale looks
      crap (see old standard set pngs.. ), secondly half of the images wont fit
      the 32 x 32 rectangle.
     I don't understand what you mean with "half of the images won't fit the 32x32 
rectangle". Maybe I was a little naïve, but I thought the iso pictures should 
be bigger than 32x32, (at least higher than that), to allow "high" monsters 
like cyclops. I've put a small example of what I try to say with this e-mail. 

      Umm I assume you mean crap. Much of my work has disappeared through time,
      but it is doing the work that counts in the long run. I hear lots of talk

That discussion may be very interesting from a philosophical point of view
I'll put the questions no one truly asked for until now:

1 - Are there people interested to create an iso-set on crossfire ? How they 
want it to be (technical or artistical point of view) does not matter. If 
there are volunteers ready to get involved in this, please let the others 
2 - Are there people interested in developing a "better-looking" client (I 
admit this is somewhat vague, but I consider commercial games like Diablo or 
Baldur's Gate as references for the interface) ? If yes, then tell it and 
begin the work.

The discussion about those subjects could continue Ad Vitam Aeternam; lots of 
ideas are certainly a good thing, but I think we nearly emptied the subject 
here. It does not matter if some people don't see iso or new client as 
priorities. Not all people working around Crossfire must work on every part 
being developed. I know that not everyone knows C or is a good drawer, but if 
we endlessly discuss of the pros/cons without having even tried to do 
something, we'll never go  anywhere.

Chachkoff Y.


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