[CF-Devel] It is time to get rid of xpms and xbms

Chris Lusena lusena at cs.uky.edu
Wed May 23 16:50:50 CDT 2001

On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 01:56:42PM -0700, Mark Wedel wrote:
      On Wed, 23 May 2001, Chris Lusena wrote:
      > I think that the major resistance is to those of us with lower
      > graphics than 1024x728x 24 bit color, or is it 16 bit color?
       Realistically, the number of bits isn't really important.  While the
      graphics will look best with 16+ bit displays, it should still work on
      8 bit displays (it does some primitive color matching, which works,
      but images won't look as good, just as what happens with any reduced
      color mechanism)
I've used the current color matching 1.0.0 and I can say that the color
matching is _very_bad_ IMHO, in fact I find it so bad as to limit
playablity. I've switch _back_ to xpm from png because the color
matching is so bad, even though since I have sufficient resolution 
I prefer the bigger tiles. Though I am on a sun which I believe are
know for bad X implementations and poor color control, so it could
be something odd my system.

Chris Lusena                       Office: 762 AH 
Department of Computer Science     Phone: 859-257-3678 
773 Anderson Hall                  Fax: 859-323-1971
University of Kentucky             Email: 
     lusena at cs.uky.edu
Lexington, KY 40506-0046 U.S.A.    

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