David Hurst wrote: > > Two feature requests. > 1) the ability to set a maximum scrolling buffer size on the gtk client so as to avoid the crazy memory and performance problems associated with lots of messages (try casting a few burning hands in the titan castle.. eeek.. my client slowed down.. It took me a while to realise it wasn't the game but the client!) This is possible with the -triminfowindow option in the gtkclient. Note that the scrollback buffer is currently hardcoded at 100k. Also note that there are some reliablity problems with it, but interesting enough it was fairly stable when I tried it tonight. I think there may be some case of the delete lining up on some specific boundary (end of line, or one character before or something). This can be fixed - I just need it to trace down if that is really the case. > 2) have the ability to turn attack messages off. Though I love them and will continue to use them, I KNOW modem users will NOT!. It will probably use alittle to much bandwidth and thus detract from the actual game. Is it really possible to play over the modem now? I think a bigger point is that while having tons of configuration options may be nice, it is more a pain to code. For just the attack messages, this is not a big deal, but I could see other things like 'I don't want XYZ, so how about being able to turn that off because it saves 50 bytes/second of download', etc. Most messages seem to be pretty integral. OTOH, what could perhaps be done is that I believe there is a random factor to decrease these messages. Maybe remove that, and let the user control what portion of the messages they see (ie, if set to 10, they see every 10'th message, if set to 1, they see every message). This is probably more predictable than using random values, and also allows a better level of control.