[CF-Devel] poisoning

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Fri Nov 9 00:09:23 CST 2001

David Hurst wrote:
      Ahh okay this would explain it, thanks for that Mark.
      Another quick question about poison, I recently hacked a player on my home computer server to have the spell poison cloud. I found, though it ABSOLUTELY rocked in terms of coolness, it didn't do much. This was because it hardly infected anything even at level 35 (ogres and orcs I am talking about..). Is there someway to increase the speed of infection for poison?
 There are three variables for poison:
1) How much damage it does
2) How much time elapses between each does
3) How long it lasts for.

 Certainly, poison cloud can be beefed up somewhat.  OTOH, you have to remember
that anything the players can use can also get used against the players - if you
make poison cloud too nasty, it may kill some players.

 Poison against players is rarely deadly on its own - often, it is combined with
something else (like nasty monsters) that actually results in death.

 One problem about using it against monsters is the same as against players -
the regen rate for the creature may very well be faster than what the poison

 What may make sense would be to modify the code so that additional damage is
sustained for creatures within the poison cloud.  Right now, typically, once
poisoned, you really don't care if your in the poison cloud - this could
certainly be changed so there is incentive to get out of the poisoned area - in
some sense, it would be a bit like a fireball.


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