[CF-Devel] 2x2 - Avatars

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Sat Nov 10 13:50:11 CST 2001

David Hurst wrote:

      The small tree looks really evil actually, I don't think it looks appropriate.
      Shrinking images is generally a bad idea, I would be more inclined to rework the whole image, but this takes time...
 Ok.  Of course, there are the small trees (used in the countryside).  But it
probably doesn't make a big difference what the avatar looks like.

      This patch was actually put in because multitiled monsters seem to be broken abit right now. For example, you can hit a titan with an avatar of gnarg (friend of giants) if you hit on the right side, and the lower parts. If you try to hit its head it tells you that it avoids damaging the titan. Multitiled monsters don't seem to be hitting correctly, some monsters simply don't hit on some angles (see mich's post about trolls, or maybe that was irc.. hmmm). This meant that the avatar of gnarg was only hitting on certain angels, which coupled with the fact that gnarg's avatar can't hit most exp giving monsters in standard maps, and that multitiled avatars are harder to steer meant it was close to unuseable.
 that should be fixed in CVS (I put a fix in a few days ago which fixed the
problem of monsters not attacking if your not next to their head).  Now I
haven't tested multipart on multipart combat. 

      The point is, something has to be fun, I suppose it is subjective as to what fun might be.
 that is certainly true.  For some people, fun might be having resistance 90+ to
everything and just being able to go through and slaughter everything in sight. 
But I think we can all agree that is not balanced or good for the game.

 I guess my worry is that if the wraiths become too similar to some of the races
already in the game, it doesn't add a lot.  But even with your changes, I don't
see that happening real soon.


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