[CF-Devel] GTK client

Scott Barnes reeve at ductape.net
Sun Nov 25 07:34:23 CST 2001

On 2001.11.25 01:35 David Hurst wrote:
      Look Scott or whoever recently has modified the GTK client. After
      Scott's last commit my client is broken. mids has already posted a bug
      The cvs gives:
      4629        gcw = gdk_char_width(gtk_rc_get_style(gtkwin_root)->font,
      '0') + 4;
      when run through gdb.

What font are you using?  Are you using libgdkxft?  What version of GTK
are you using?  Has anyone else seen this problem?  I haven't been able
to recreate the problem, that's why I haven't fixed it.  I apologize
that my changes broke it for you, but you don't have to get an attitude
about it.  So if you could tell me more about your setup it would help
greatly, and again I'm sorry that it broke for you.

Reeve the cat
... Had this been an actual emergency, we would have fled in terror,
and you would not have been informed.
------END FORTUNE------
Version: 3.12
GCS d? s: a? C++++ UL++++ P+ L++++ E- W++ N o K- w--- O M-- V-- PS+++ 
PE Y PGP t+++ 5 X+ R+++ tv+ b+++ DI++ D+ G e* h-- r+++ y** ------END 


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