[CF List] Gnarg

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Tue Oct 23 01:58:21 CDT 2001

Kimmo Hoikka wrote:

      So one solution for the mapmaker would be to give the resistances not to
      the monster but to give it an armour with resistances and then perhaps
      make that armour godgift status so that player would not get it if it
      gets dropped. Do monsters have any intelligence when applying things, I
      mean do they know which armour is better or when they have one and apply
      it, do theuy keep it on or randomly apply / unapply it?. If lorkas would
      be made can_use_armour 0, would that special value override the original
      value? the easiest, but not complete solution was to change lorkas to
      1x1 monster, quite nasty son of a bitch in that size :).
 Making a monster 1x1 does not change the fact that the monster equipping an
item could reset its resistances.

 I don't remember if monsters have any intelligence in what they apply or not. 
In any case, that code has not been examined in a very long time (except to keep
it up to date with things like resistant code chnages).  My guess would be that
it would choose it in a semi random fashion.

 The can_use attributes will properly work.  IT is only the attributes and
resistances that get reset - this is because for consistency sake, when an item
is applied/removed, it goes through and recalculates everything, and it has to
start from some base value - and these are the archetype values.

 The fix for this is to add another shadow structure into the monster object
that contains these attributes - by default these are copied from the archetype,
and then the ones from the file override these (if any are specified).  Then the
fix_player code would use these, and not the ones from the archetype.  To take
this a step further, the arch structure in the object would actually be the
cloned object from the archetype, and then the code could modify those instead. 
This approach would greatly increase the memory footprint however, and is sort
of pointless for most objects (typically won't ever modify values for grasses,
trees, etc, so having a writable original object ends up being a waste)

      One other thing I was interested, is it possible to move playerfiles
      from one server to another?
 Depends on how you mean.

 If you mean with the game itself, then no.

 If you mean getting a copy of the file and transferring it to a new server
(through server admin assistance), then yes.

 One problem with automatic transfers is differences in the games/servers.  Some
may have different options which change the game play in potentially significant


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