[CF-Devel] re: Corrupt archives?

Bernd Edler edler at heydernet.de
Wed Apr 24 16:14:18 CDT 2002


on 2002-04-13 
     mgzachar at stonline.sk
     Reporting possible corruption of crossfire-1.0.0-maps.tar
February this year, I came back to crossfire after some time
of absent.
I wanted to upgrade from 0.95.4 (yes it's old) to the latest
stable release: 1.0.0 . I found the maps archive to be broken
on ifi.no as well as on sunet.se, but sourceforge and real-time
were ok. 
You can easily verify that the archives differ, because they
don't even have the same size. (bz2: 3066588=ok )

ifi and sunet also seem to be awful slow at mirroring.
They still don't have crossfire-1.1.0, whose release was over
a month ago.

Apropos crossfire-1.1.0 - is it just me, or is the file
"lib/faces" missing? Well my server wouldn't start without it.
So I had to get the archetypes and run collect.pl.

Apropos collect.pl: I had to rtfs to find out its usage.
So i think something like this could be helpful:

if ((scalar @ARGV != 1) || ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^--?[hH](elp)?$/)){
    die ("\nUSAGE: perl collect.pl  ARCHDIR\n".
        "\nWhere ARCHDIR is the directory where you stored the ".
        "raw archetypes.\n".
        "This script will then create these files:\n".

Bernd Edler

ps.: I have just finished reading through all postings since 01-2001
 (puh -  lots of stuff, but very interesting).
So don't wonder if i bother you with my silly questions/opinions about
old stuff. (No need to worry, i have only 11 topics on my list ;-)  


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