Sorry. First I want to say sorry about accidentally sending a mail to this list I didn't want to. I wrote the first version of the mail "are you god?" when I was very angry, and changed it next day before sending. But accidentally the first version was also sent, although it was too insulting. Second, I want to say sorry for my overall aggressivness. This did not only bring up old flamewars, but also started new, and is not helpful. Sorry for insulting anyone. It's better to calm down the discussion. Therefore Mark's proposal is a good start: Leave all build scripts where they are, and see which one will survive. Maybe think about them again in a few months. We can do the same with the 4 "configuration" files. IMO the spells* and type* files are not changed by the mapmaker (whom I meant with "user of the editor"), and the autojoin file is. But maybe the autojoin information can - in future - be split up and put into the arch tree, as the information consists of independent parts for archs of the same kind and in one directory. But we don't need a hot and aggressive discussion about these details. Put all these four in a directory for configuration files, and see what will happen. Can we go on this way? I have to say I had not expected this rage. At first glance the CFJavaEditor module seemed to be a deserted area, and all people would be happy when I make some improvements. But it was only a proposal, and I never expected people "to fall down on their knees about my genius." There wasn't anything ingenious in it, just what I thought everyone would find sensible. Michael Keuchen