[CF List] The 'dis'economy of crossfire

cflist at gmx.li cflist at gmx.li
Fri Aug 30 13:17:40 CDT 2002


      Let players build their own castles of arbitrary design, paying
      per-square as they build.

At first sight I like the idea, yet there are things to keep in mind:

1. Equipping the guildhouses is fun because it does not need just money,
but usually needs somewhat potent artifacts. This should be considered in
the prices for different items.

2. Maybe custom design isn't that cool for the game. I imagine people
might become too much involved in building their castles that most other
things stop mattering and we probably don't want people to run around in
their castles, wondering if the curtains match the other furniture :). I
think the game should mainly be about adventuring and killing monsters and
not about building a house. I fear it might turn a bit into the direction
of players taking care of their hero's social security. I think
pregenerated castles are quite fine and can keep players busy for an
arbitraryly long time.

3. As I wrote before people might want to show off with their castles (and
I think that is good) and your idea somehow really requires that, so this
should somehow be organised.

  Christoph Bergemann

  "Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards,
    for they are subtle and quick to anger."


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