[CF-Devel] town portal (RE: CVS commit: maps/city/misc)

Yann Chachkoff yann.chachkoff at MailAndNews.com
Tue Feb 26 06:34:47 CST 2002

     On our mud, we had the problem that portals became abused, much like they 
     to be becoming here.  We had a unique solution.
     We called it the void.  

The current problem with spellcasting is that it is too "piece-of-cake" - you 
do not risk anything when failing to cast a spell. IMO, we should try to:
1 - Rise the difficulty level for spells known to be too powerful (there 
should always be a small chance of failing the higher level spells);
2 - Make high-level spellcasting more unpredictable and dangerous.

If I remember well, there was a crossfire compile-time option to activate 
"backfire effects" for failed spellcasting, but I've never seen it on a public 
server. We could reactivate and modify it a little to allow more "dangerous" 
effects (like The Void) not only for the Town Portal, but also for all other 
"high level" spells.

      for a 
journey into a fantastic world !
(But don't expect too much...)


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