[CF-Devel] non-suicide spellcasters

Joris Bontje jbontje at suespammers.org
Wed Mar 13 18:52:46 CST 2002

On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 12:45:14AM +0100, Andreas Vogl wrote:
      I'd like to make a small change in the attack-code, to the
      effect that monsters will no longer damage themselves with their
      own spells. Multiple monsters will still be able to damage *each other*.
      The reason is that spellcasting monsters have a strong tendency
      to kill themselves with their own spells. The only way to prevent
      spellcasters from suiciding is to set their resistances way high.
      That's okay for one or two attacktypes, but not for more.
      My patch would work especially well for boss-type monsters
      who are usually alone in a room and have multiple spells with
      various attacktypes.
      It will not have much impact on maps with multiple monsters
      per room, and it will have no effect on monsters who already
      are immune to their spell's attacktypes.
      In spite of breaking with the player's experience of spellcasting
      (spell damages self), I think it would still be intuitive that
      monsters just don't kill themselves.
Hereby I, Joris Bontje, admin of the mids.student.utwente.nl Crossfire
server, coder of small patches, fixer of minor bugs, declare that:
1) I agree with the implementation of your proposal.
2) I volunteer reviewing the patch before committing into the CVS.
3) I offer to test the patch on my server before committing into the
4) I will try to debug the code in case of potential bugs.

Additionally the 1983 players on my server are available as living
test subjects.

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Joris Bontje / mids
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