[CF List] wraight (& fireborns)

lembark at wrkhors.com lembark at wrkhors.com
Wed Mar 6 12:50:22 CST 2002

-- Peter Mardahl <
     peterm at tonks.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
     > on 03/06/02 10:00:48 -0800

      Henric Karlsson wrote:
      i wonder if those who claim fireborn are hard to play ever really played 
      a fireborn. I made a fireborn character yesterday, devoted myself to 
      gorokh and got flaming aura, with fireborns ability to get ac with 
      In the early levels, fireborn can be EASIER to play, because you
      get a lot of mana and grace.  However, fireborn are hurt badly at
      high levels because they cannot wear armour or use weapons,
      and are thus denied all the protections these normally give.
      The same is true of Quetzalcoatls:  they're hozed at high levels,
      but strong at low levels.
Better way to say it is that you have to be more careful at
higher levels. Q's are especially tricky -- they can use 
high-powered weapons that help greatly and w/ sufficient
patience can learn some heavy-duty spells. 

FB's can get 30 pow w/ a +3 ring and still wear another
or a talisman for combined free action and whatever you
like. Given sufficient protection spells their hight speed
and dex make them hard to hit (and Ruggilli makes them 
more-or-less immune to missiles). Add, say, a ring of
free action and amulet of reflect spells and complete 
immunity to most poison and all fire. You have a pretty
secure item. At higher levels w/ good POW you can summon
some serious pet monsters or holy creatures. That and 
ball lightning will take you pretty far (with a few
potions of cold resistance for good luck).

      Such are the tradeoffs of these two special races.
      another somehow absurd thing is mana regeneration increasing food 
      consumption. I find it beeing in contradiction with the idea of 
      I don't consider this exactly absurd.  It's a bit strange, but it's
      not so very unreasonable.  And it makes all those mana points
      which get blown out cost the player something, which is good.
High mana regen == high exertion == high food use. Put it 
another way, casting all those spells takes energy, which
has to come from somewhere.

      magician, beeing strong in mind and usually weak in body; strong muscles 
      consume lots of food, but strong mind consumes somewhat same as a weak 
      mind. the stronger the magician is the more he needs to eat? I recall 
      very few fantacy worlds where magicians are eating all the time, 
      ususally they are described as spending more time with books while the 
      barbarians and fighters eat and practice.
      We have no obligation to follow everyone else's lead.  Furthermore, we
      should not, or we're just reimplimenting the same damn game.  We should
      only consider this issue in and of itself and its impact on the game.
      I think it is a positive thing to require food use in order to regenerate
Think of spells as an expenditure of personal energy. At
that point the high food use tends to make sense.

Steven Lembark                              2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing                      Chicago, IL 60647
                                           +1 800 762 1582


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