[CF-Devel] current CVS state->broken

Joris Bontje jbontje at suespammers.org
Mon May 20 23:36:37 CDT 2002

On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 08:08:35PM -0700, Mark Wedel wrote:
      >Current CVS code is broken.
      >When I updated my server with latest functions that mark made, it doesnt
      >let anybody connect anymore. The problem is related with the plugin
      >Coredumps, backtraces and logs:
Aargh, sorry; it is

       That URL doesn't work for me.
       The recent checkins shouldn't have changed anything with the plugin code. 
      However, some fields in some of the major structures were removed, so if 
      the plugin code makes assumption about the layout of those structures, that 
      could be a problem.  I'm not that familiar with the plugin code, but I 
      would double check that the plugins you are using were rebuilt properly if 
The plugin that I use is the normal python plugin (aanwezig in server

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