[CF-Devel] Sheep! Again! (patch 3.1kb)

Flying Pedestrian emaillist+cfdev at dogphilosophy.net
Tue Nov 12 16:55:22 CST 2002

On Tuesday 12 November 2002 01:32 am, Tim Rightnour wrote:
      On 12-Nov-02 Flying Pedestrian wrote:
      > Okay, got no idea if I did this right, so if somebody could put some of
      > these critters on a map somewhere and check them out, let me know how
      > they work.
      So I like the leg, and the sheepskin isn't bad.  but the sheep is drawn in
      the wrong style.  The sheep is more of the classic style, than the base
      style we've been trying to move towards, or use.
You asked for it, you getted it.  Probably.

Attached is mark II of the sheep patch.  I moved the original sheep
graphic to "sheep.clsc.*" and tried to touch up a new version with a more
isometric look.  Hopefully it's a little better.  I tweaked the sheepskin
graphic a bit as well.

I also updated the sheep treasures to include some additional body parts
(heart, liver) and another food chance.

Let me know how it works.  Again, this should be a patch against current CVS
(or at least, last night's CVS - I assume nobody's changed the treasures
file in the last 12 hours or so) and a tarball containing the graphics and
.arc's for the sheep and associated objects.  As before, if somebody could
slap some into a map somewhere and test them, let me know if they work 
correctly (I haven't looked at map-making yet...)
-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: sheep.tar.bz2
Type: application/x-tbz
Size: 3106 bytes
Desc: SHEEP!  BAAAaaaaaa!
Url : 

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