[CF-Devel] Money issues

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Fri Nov 15 00:43:24 CST 2002

A few notes -

  The identify and detect curse/magic altars were largely added to fix the 
problem of there not being scrolls around.

  Play on a busy server without those, and I think you'd find the shops would 
never have identify scrolls, as players would pick them up as soon as they show up.

  The detect magic/curse examine all the items in the players inventory.  So it 
is obviously more efficient to use those altars when you have piles of goodies. 
  The identify one is per item.

  If the problem with cursed items is just a knowledge issue, then perhaps that 
should be more prominent as said.  I'm not sure the problem is lack of money as 
much lack of knowledge.

  As for other common objects - more difficult.  Changing the base prices has 
two effects - players get less money for selling, but also pay less for buying 

  In the end, it probably hurts the players (players send to sell a lot more 
than they buy).  So in some sense, this may actually be a good thing.

  I'd like a more comprehensive list.  OF course, prices changes is largely an 
archetype issue.


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