Mark Wedel < mwedel at > writes: > I don't know why going from level 100 to 110 should be really > quick - that is an oddity - the curve keeps getting steeper at those > levels, so it shouldn't happen. Well, fact is that Puff on metalforge is now 110 with currently 1075M exp, while I remember him to be 99 with around 960M > I note that the level 79 max for skills isn't truly a limit - it > is only a limit if you want 6 skills maxed out. If you decide to > purely focuse on one skill, you can get it to level 110. If you > split your exp between 2 skills, they both can be 100. Split > between three skills is level 93. That is simply not what I found on metalforge. I just went to heaven for some minutes to raise my wisdom skill and again I found that I can not raise it beyond 350M/lvl79, although my other skills are quite behind. In spite of Joel however, I really like what you describe for two reasons. First this makes high level characters differ much more than they do now. Second it make alchemy less abusive, since do don't usually want mental skills take too much of a share. I surely will drive dex quite far however, because I like to be able to disarm any trap and steal from tough monsters. And some of these maniacs will surely max out personality, just to be able to get on everybody elses nerves with their cool pets again... Puff/Anvil -- ___ Frank Muzzulini <*,*> ... until the colour of a man skin is of no more [`-'] significance than the colour of his eyes ... Haile Selassie -"-"-