[CF-Devel] Item Damage idea

pstolarc at theperlguru.com pstolarc at theperlguru.com
Sun Sep 1 20:15:16 CDT 2002

On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Todd Mitchell wrote:

     would you limit damage to weapons and armour?  I don't see much need/sense
     for amulets and rings getting damaged.
I personally don't like the idea of anything being damaged.  I think that
crossfire isn't a "real RPG".  I don't want critical hit location tables,
where if your left arm has 13HP (80% for the arm) damage, you can't use it
to hold anything more than 8kg (4% of max for the arm).  I don't want
damaged equipment.  Mostly for the same reasons.  It adds unnecessary
complexity.  I don't really see what the benefits are.  

Siphon money from high level chars: They have enough money that they won't
even notice it.  This is better solved by having some really expensive
items.  Something like in-game dungeon design, where real estate costs lots
of money, and so do tiles that the player can place.

Gift Equipment : Players will then "gift repair" equipment.  And with the
ideas I've seen floated around, these gift repairs don't have to be all
that common.  High level equipment on a low level character will last a
long time.  

Anyway, this is my opinion.  I don't know how other players feel about
this.  Gros was asking around at some point.  

mids, maybe you could have a poll on your website?


(I'd better go write some code.  I've been writing way too much on the list


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