[CF List] The 'dis'economy of crossfire]

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Mon Sep 2 02:33:27 CDT 2002

Christoph Bergemann wrote:

      About leveling: There are a few things here. First, it seems indeed to be
      a good idea to let level gaps increase more. I think Crossfire is the only
      RPG I know in which these gaps are so low, even with experience gained by
      killing monsters getting smaller. On the other hand you should remember
      that levelling is one of the motivations to keep on playing. If it takes
      me an eternity to get from 100 to 101 most people probably wouldn't play
      further, which is certainly not our hope.
  Note that currently, the converse is true - players get to level 110 and say 
'whats next to do'.

  Note that I think the most powerful monsters is worth 2 million?  The max gap 
at high level is still 80 million.  That means if you kill one of those, your 
1/40th of your way to next level.  Yes, it means you need to kill a bunch of 
those, but probably not so many that it seems completely insurmountable.

      About monster experience: I don't think if level gaps are to be increased
      monster experience needn't be reduced, though I don't quite understand why
      Jessy should give so much more experience than other monsters, as there
      are many monsters in the game which I consider much tougher. My dragon can
      easily kill Jessy without quaffing potions, yet died last time I tried to
      kill a Beelzebub I died, without having any kind of a chance. Demon lords
      and Gerater Demons also, if approached from the wrong direction.
  this is a tricky issue - different race/class combinations find some things 
much easier/difficult than others.

  A character that has high natural fire resistance (due to religion, class, and 
race) will find most fire attacking monsters much easier.

  Jessy's may be overvalued.  But to determine this, we really need input from a 
variety of players saying 'I find this hard, and this easy', and also get the 
class/race info from them and try to adjust accordingly.


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