[CF List] castles and guilds

Christoph Bergemann mathwizard at gmx.de
Tue Sep 3 14:52:16 CDT 2002

      Fees for guilds could really work out fine.
      Unfortunately, it is very difficult to implement IMO,
      and the real impact on the CF economy is probably small.
      So, the main problem might just be motivating
      somone to code this fee system... ;-)
I would, if I could code. But maybe if somebody helped me via IRC -
somewhere in Europe possibly for reasons of time - I might learn. 
      Thanks a lot for your compliments about the JavaEditor btw.
Though being completely OT, my JRE doesn't seem to support .jar files
(using Linux and got java 1.1.8 and jre1.3.1), what is wrong? (Cannot use
JavaEditor therefore)

  Christoph Bergemann

  "Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards,
    for they are subtle and quick to anger."


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