[crossfire] treasure chests & wealth

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Fri Jul 15 00:56:50 CDT 2005

Andreas Kirschbaum wrote:
      Mark Wedel wrote:
     The discussion of too much wealth in crossfire often comes up.
      Is this still a problem? After all, two exploits were fixed recently:
      broken money converters and shadow alchemy. (And I've noticed quite a
      few players on metalforge that did exploit these "features".)
  Maybe the issue just comes from what to do with that money.  As discussed 
numerous times, basically at some point, you'd never buy anything (the only 
thing I can recall my character buying is piles of healing potions).

  Now the point about alchemy is perhaps valid - there are of course various 
remedies (have items created via alchemy not worth anything or worth much less - 
problem with this is that then they don't merge with normal items).

  Maybe it's just a data point, but my character, not using any alchemy 
exploits, probably has half a million platinum and piles of gems.  But as said, 
the problem is perhaps really nothing much to spend it on, so no matter what, 
you'll accumulate large amounts of money.

  OTOH, perhaps my point to some extent is that these random maps perhaps have 
much higher density of treasure than most randmo maps - moderate level random 
maps might have 100 treasure chests on a level - I can't think of many non 
random maps that have anywhere near that treasure, and those that do have it as 
perhaps a treasure room/final map, and not level after level.

  The change I describe would only effect amount of treasure chests, and not 
treasures created by monsters.  Thus, the amount of wealth reduction may be 
minor, and when looking for certain objects, like rings, going to maps have 
creatures that tend to have those items is probably still a good bet. 
Especially, as if I mention, the likelihood of the artifact items increasing 
slightly by level/difficulty.   That may not actually reduce wealth much, but 
would I suppose reduce clutter.


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