[crossfire] Spellcasting Swords progress

Andrew Fuchs fuchs.andy at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 14:17:23 CDT 2005

On 6/2/05, Alex Schultz <
     alex_sch at telus.net
     > wrote:
      I tested it putting the sword on a map and that works except for the
      above mentioned information loss. However when I tested it by using the
      DM "create" command, the randomitems were not obeyed.
      I assume this information loss is because the treasurelists don't accept
      such data and only use the defaults of the arch, so one solution would
      be creating an arch for each rod that I want to use on the swords,
      however I feel that would be a bit kludgy, and I am wondering if anybody
      has any better solutions.
I the file "/lib/artifacts" in the server branch takes care of the
modifiers for objects.
Though, IMO this still is not very clean.

Andrew Fuchs


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