ERACC wrote: > I cannot believe HOW neutered this spell is. It used to be an awesome > spell worth the effort of going to get. Now I am sorry I wasted an > entire evening going to get it on earlier. > As hard as it is to get this spell it should be at least as powerful > as I remember it being. What's with neutering hard-to-get spells? > > Can the spell be returned to its' former glory, please? Otherwise it > just takes up space in my spell list. Level 46 sorcery and it takes > THREE casts of color spray to kill about 10 - 15 Fiends. They should > ALL be dead in one cast based on how the spell USED to work. > I agree, it's currently underpowered to the point where it's useless even when it might otherwise be attractive due to it's variety of attacktypes being difficult to resist. Even if I inscribe lots of scrolls of it that are about lvl 100, it can't even graze a lvl 60 in the arena or any monster that's of the slightest worth. The balance of the spell might currently be ok for a lvl 15-30, however it's near impossible for a lvl 15-30 to get it considering the quest it's in and the fact that spellbooks can't be carried out. Alex Schultz