[crossfire] Transports

Miguel Ghobangieno mikeeusaa at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 3 08:06:39 CST 2006

I like the way point + logic in a script idea. 

--- Mark Wedel <mwedel at sonic.net> wrote:

> Anton Oussik wrote:
> > On 02/02/06, Mark Wedel <mwedel at sonic.net> wrote:
> >>> Also, how about setting up shipping routes and
> roads by placing
> >>> directors for transport on them?
> >>   Is the point here to have boats automatically
> sail from point A to B, or to
> >> give players a clue?
> > 
> > Have boats/carts/horses sail automatically between
> crossings of routes
> > or roads when on a road. There would need to be
> routes going in
> > different directions, and sea routes would
> probably not be optimal (so
> > a person doing it manually could get there
> faster).
>   Well, we don't currently have that code.
>   The idea of using movers never appeals to me that
> much.
>   I'd think this would be better done by scripting. 
> Instead of having to put 
> movers all over the place, a script with some basic
> waypoints could be done 
> (move to x1,y1.  Then move to x2,y2, etc)  For most
> routes, you'd probably only 
> need half a dozen or so waypoints (the script in
> question would just go in 
> straight lines).  A script also has the advantage it
> could have some basic logic 
> to try to get around obstacles.
>   If you just use movers, all it takes is one player
> to park something along the 
> line of movers and you would get all the transports
> piling up.
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