[crossfire] Crossfire 2.0+ features/priorities

Brendan Lally brenlally at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 16:18:16 CST 2006

On 1/30/06, Anton Oussik <antonoussik at gmail.com> wrote:
> Another thing I can propose is to replace the listen level with
> channels, and be able to toggle/redirect individual channels between
> different tabs in the client.

I had a working channels implemention, but the problem was that it was
too complex to be really usable, and seemed too similar to the party

hijacking colours in the draw_info packet to send meaningful data
about the type of draw_info would be more reasonable

Maybe also it would be an interesting idea to have a 'triggered'
draw_info which would send back the packet number that caused them to
be printed (this would involve storing the last packet number in the
player struct, and sending it in the packet)

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