[crossfire] Gridarta CFJavaEditor Jar?

Christian Hujer cher at riedquat.de
Mon Oct 9 16:56:18 CDT 2006

Hi Kevin,

sorry to respond so late, I didn't notice this post earlier.

On Monday 25 September 2006 06:45 Kevin R. Bulgrien wrote:
> Could someone make a jar file from the CFJavaEditor sources on the
> Gridarta project?  I have so far been unable to get a working
> build environment.  I get errors when I try the command-line build
> instructions in INSTALL.txt, and I am having great difficultly
> getting ant installed.
> $ javac -d class -classpath
> lib/png.jar:lib/visualtek.jar:lib/jdom.jar:lib/crimson.jar
> src/cfeditor/*.java src/cfeditor/textedit/textarea/*.java
> src/cfeditor/textedit/scripteditor/*.java
> src/cfeditor/JFontChooser.java:355: unclosed character literal
>         new_msg = new_msg.replace('§', '\n');
>                                   ^
> src/cfeditor/JFontChooser.java:355: illegal character: \167
>         new_msg = new_msg.replace('§', '\n');
>                                     ^
> src/cfeditor/JFontChooser.java:355: unclosed character literal
>         new_msg = new_msg.replace('§', '\n');
>                                      ^
> src/cfeditor/JFontChooser.java:355: ')' expected
>         new_msg = new_msg.replace('§', '\n');
>                                              ^
> error: cannot read: src/cfeditor/textedit/textarea/*.java
> 5 errors
The Gridarta sources are encoded in UTF-8. javac uses the vm's underlying 
operating system's default encoding. When building on a system that does not 
use UTF-8 as default encoding (e.g. utf-16, archaic iso-8859-something or 
worse windows-cp-something) it is required to tell javac about the actual 
javac -encoding utf-8

The sources are spread accross two directories: crossfire/src/**/*.java and 
src/**/*.java, in the second directory the Java editors of Crossfire and 
Daimonin share their constantly growing merged and unified common code. Also, 
it is not guaranteed that building the above mentioned Crossfire sources will 
really compile all required sources, I'd actually explicitely specify them 
javac -sourcepath src:../src $(find src ../src -name "*.java")

There are two lib directories, the crossfire/lib directory which contains libs 
only used by the Crossfire editor and the lib directory which contains libs 
used by both plus some libs which are used by the build process:
javac -classpath ...:../lib/annotations.jar:../lib/japi.jar

Because of that building by invoking javac yourself is no fun. Though it of 
course is possible I wouldn't even bother trying it. Building with Ant is 
highly recommended and the only way "officially" supported.

If there's anything else regarding Gridarta that I can do for you, please let 
me know.

Cher :)
Christian Hujer
Free software developer
mailto:cher at riedquat.de
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