[crossfire] CVS -> SVN conversion

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Tue Sep 12 00:22:35 CDT 2006

Christian Hujer wrote:
> Hi all,
> Am Montag, 11. September 2006 01:11 schrieb Mark Wedel:
>> 1) They don't have a conversion utility, but rather directions (using
>> cvs2svn) to make the change.
> Well, they used to have a conversion utility:
> https://sourceforge.net/project/admin/svn_migration.php?group_id=nnnnnn
> (Replace nnnnnn with the project id of crossfire)
> Instructions:
> https://sourceforge.net/docs/E09#import
> But actually I never got that migration tool working, it always failed for me.

  That's what I used, but it doesn't do the conversion for you - running cvs2svn 
still has to be done by the end user, etc.

  Given that, whatever files we care about can be removed from the copy of the 
CVS data before it being converted, so we can clear out any data we want to.

  If this was 100% automatic, we wouldn't really be able to do that.

>> 4) I don't believe the SVN by default provides support for the $Id$ string
>> version control at the top of files.
> It does. It only has to be switched on for each file individually.
> It's done via
> svn propset svn:keywords Id filename
> For instance:
> cd sandbox ; find -type f -print0 | xargs -0 svn propset svn:keywords Id
> or if it's not that many files, especially none with whitespace in their name
> cd sandbox ; svn propset svn:keywords Id $(find -type f)

  Ah - very good.

  Looking at the docs, I see that SVN uses the global version number in the $Id$ 
strings, which is fine.

   What I'm not sure of is if there is some way to have a file that 
automatically gets updated with the latest version string.

  For example, it would be nice for the version.h file to get updated on every 
commit that is done, so that it always contains the latest commit ID.  If that 
was done, there really isn't any need to have the $Id$ in each file - just print 
that global number.

  sure, there can be the odd cases of a person updating only portions of the 
tree and getting out of sync revision numbers.  But if someone does that, they 
are really asking for broken behaviour anyways (who is to say that there isn't 
some interaction related to this - a file that isn't updated needs to be updated 
to properly work with other files)

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