[crossfire] New plugin: citylife - help needed

Juha Jäykkä juhaj at iki.fi
Sun Feb 3 12:14:41 CST 2008

> Since the players are heroes, they could be opinion-makers and trend-
> setters.  If they are seen favouring one shop, the NPCs will start
> preferring that one as well.  If they avoid one, its popularity with the
> general populace will drop very fast...

Yea, this is reasonable, but in case there are no players around, I think my 
idea is worth having anyway. And when players eventually turn up, giving the 
players more impact than npcs could will be implemented either in the way you 
describe. It has the same idea as my proposal, but it has perhaps more ingame 
consistency in it.


		| Juha Jäykkä, juolja at utu.fi			|
		| home: http://www.utu.fi/~juolja/		|
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