[crossfire] Weather code

Juha Jäykkä juhaj at iki.fi
Thu Jan 31 14:19:46 CST 2008

> not even sure I have ever seen it in use, and presently do not see it

I have used it, but it has two drawbacks: it only ever seems to make snow fall 
on the ground, making all the world (well, the parts I checked) basically a 
big puddle of water (making moving very slow unless you levitate). The second 
drawback is that with slower "weather speeds" (I fail to recall what the real 
name of the setting is) it never does anything and the moment it starts to do 
something (i.e. fast enough to be noticed), it changes way too fast (and 
produces the puddles).

IMO it's absolutely useless as is. And I agree with Kevin: there are more 
important things to work at at the moment.


		| Juha Jäykkä, juolja at utu.fi			|
		| home: http://www.utu.fi/~juolja/		|
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