[crossfire] Conventions for exits in town

Nicolas Weeger nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
Thu Jan 14 16:09:18 CST 2010

> I'd say this depends on how the town sub-map you are exiting is built,
> either including the house surroundings or just an interior view.
> If there is a door icon, you would obviously want it to work only
> when applied, but if there is an "whirlwind" exit (or an hidden exit,
> for example under pavement) you wouldn't want to need to apply it.
> If you want to be consistent, you need to edit lots of town views,
> creating surroundings for each house to be able to use the hidden
> exit strategy.

I'm ok with doors you have to apply.
And obviously hidden exits are applied automatically, yes :)

> Which reminds me, who remembers far back to when you were a beginner?
> Did you find it confusing in the world map the way some of the 2×2
> houses have a "roof" area you cannot walk over, even though some of
> the larger buildings like keeps and temples do not have this limitation?
> I also found it a bit confusing that there are statues and lampposts
> which do block your way and identical-looking ones which do not do that.

That is indeed confusing.
IMO, statues you can walk on - else how could you see the bigger picture of 
the statue? :D
As for buildings, things like view restrictions were introduced, IIRC, to give 
more depth.
For blocking, yes, that could be removed.

> PS. Easiest solution to create an "panic exit" for the Devourers
> underground is just to hide it under a generator, that way the vampires
> won't activate it. I didn't realize vampires will by default also dig
> through weak walls :-/ Now, where does one submit map updates?

No idea whether vampires actually attack weak walls or not :)
But under generator should be ok, yes.

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http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=313833&group_id=13833&func=browse [and 
send a mail here to warn of it, so it doesn't get forgotten!] or send 
directly to this list.

http://nicolas.weeger.org [Mon p'tit coin du web]
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