[crossfire] TODO list

Nicolas Weeger nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
Fri Jan 15 12:16:32 CST 2010

>   I know someone sort of looked into doing crossfire in C++ several years
> back. Their opinion was it was probably easier to start writing the code
> from scratch vs trying to convert the existing code.  I haven't looked at
> it enough to say for sure, but I could certainly see it may be easier to
> start from scratch but keep in archetype/map/player/protocol compatible. 
> On the same basis, one could use that to clean up lots of bits of code that
> are their for compatibility reasons or because that is the way things
> should work - one could actually define how those things should work.

Around one year ago I and another did an experiment converting to C++ and 
introducing Qt.
It was never completed, mind you (but as a by-product there is the CRE tool in 
utils/), but it wasn't *too* bad to do.
Making it build C++ mode was like 2h work. Introducing classes did take more 
time, though, but was doable too.

I could probably dig the source code if needed, even if it is obsolete by now.
Oh, and it did have dynamic archetype loading ;)
(ie change an archetype in the tree, it'd pick up the change a few seconds 
later - worked for faces at least)

But maybe yes rethinking the whole game architecture could be done taking the 
Of course, not a 2 days project.

And we would need to know the focus - modular design? robuste? performant?

(and see next reply :))

>   But I suspect the stuff under Various is low priority - for the most part
> it cleans things up for developers, but doesn't really change the
> experience for players.

Correct. Various is more 'in some years', or 'never'.
C++/Qt would be a real time-saver in the long run - don't have to redefine 
shared strings, many many "free" stuff - threads, sockets, and such. And 
using a tested library.

But the first topic for me is gameplay / content. As long as no one is 
seriously working on that, I'll not do much on code, I think.

Unless I get seriously bored with reinventing the wheel and just introduce Qt 
to have basic functions - and not change the current non class mode. But I 
wouldn't do that without having a consensus on the list - worse case I'd make 
my own branch and work still on content :)

>   I guess my question would be whether food as a core stat really adds much
> to the game or is as much a headache as anything else.

IMO it adds some fun.
And you could still eat some raw meat from monsters, when they give some. And 
you could introduce some fun diseases related to food - "hum, that cow steak 
was good... err, why are you feeling crazy, suddenly?"

Or it could just be used to regenerate sp.

But right now it's useless.

http://nicolas.weeger.org [Mon p'tit coin du web]
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