Look. There is a script that will relink the mlab maps as you see fint into directoties, you can have the mlab maps in a TLDir of your choice of names and run the script which is included with the map pack. Why WHY! Won't anyone commit my maps? IS it personal?? This is insanely frusturating to work on maps that everyone consideres great (sans some woman... but I'm not surprised because I don't like her either and, ofcourse (she being a woman) would never fail to denergrate a man's work if it would suffice to cause him harm in some abstract way... which it doesn't: you fail woman) for a opensource game on my own time... ... to have scripts inclueded to put the maps into the dirs the devs insist on... to finally cave to their demands that the top level dir not have any recognition of it's author.. and apparenly that still isn't good enough. What More Do You Want? Why Won't You Upload The Maps? I have come to the point after about 2.5 or so years of working on crossfire that I NEED to have my work apriciated if I am to contiune with this project (I need to have my maps put in). Is that so hard or is there such anomosity twoards me that it is believed to be a good thing to see mikeeusa fail finally? WHY WONT YOU EVER UPLOAD MY MAPS I MADE THESE FOR YOUR PROJECT. Remeber you wouldn't have bronze items, ores, bars, or even the new mid-east style arches if it wasn't for me. I had the drive to make those contributions. And you won't upload my maps. WTF Why not. I HAVE CONTIRIBUTED YOU CAN'T ASK FOR MORE. I HAVE DONE ALL YOU HAVE ASKED. Upload them to CVS please so I can see that I matter to this project... or would you be happy at my departure. Is there an anti-progress air in here? https://cat2.dynu.ca/cat2/media.html is where the newest Mlab release can be found. Just put them in. It's easy enough to choose a dir name that you are not offended by. __________________________________ Celebrate Yahoo!'s 10th Birthday! Yahoo! Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web http://birthday.yahoo.com/netrospective/